Post Divorce Specialists

Helping (Re)Build Families
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Post-Divorce Counseling

  • Separation and divorce typically creates emotional pain for those involved, as well as for children the couple might have. It hurts because it causes a deep sense of loss, a change in what is known, and a need to shift directions from where you thought you were going as a couple.
  • Individual counseling helps children, teens, and adults to deal with the changes and feelings of loss, cope emotionally with the situation in healthy ways, manage feelings of being overwhelmed, and reach a place of acceptance and readiness to move on in life.
  • We have extensive expertise in helping you sort through and untangle your emotions, figure out your post-divorce identity and desires, and begin taking steps towards your new future.
  • We have numerous strategies for working with your children and teens, too, helping them to understand divorce, to identify and cope with their emotions, and to come to terms with the changes in their family.

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Parenting Coordinator
If you find yourself caught in a constant cycle of court hearings and litigation with your child's other parent, a parenting coordinator (PC) can help you resolve co-parenting conflicts and stay out of court.
A PC gives parents a place to turn to when child-related conflicts arise; the PC creates solutions that keep parents out of the courtroom, allowing them to focus on the important job of parenting. Most importantly, it keeps children out of the middle of their parents' conflicts, helping them to adjust and cope in a healthy way with having two homes. 
Feel free to give us a call at 704-443-8148, or fill out the form on the "Contact" page, to talk with us about how you and your co-parent might benefit from PC services from a certified Parenting Coordinator.
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Parenting coordinator Charlotte, NC.

Family Financial Mediation

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We help separating couples resolve financial disputes that arise with the end of the marriage. We meet to discuss property and debt division, child support, and alimony, and find ways to reach agreements about these issues. We have helped many couples who, perhaps just like you, need guidance in navigating through the uncharted waters of financially separating their married life. 

Divorce Mediation

Our mediation services are designed to give clients, with the help of their attorneys or without attorneys, the chance to settle their cases outside of the courtroom with the support they need to reach agreements. We work efficiently and effectively to help clients settle their disputes, saving them time, money, and emotional energy.

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