How Counseling Can Help Reach Your Goals This Year
If you find it hard to set goals, let alone reach them, know that you are not alone! The truth is that about 92% of people struggle to set and meet goals. You might be someone who starts the year off with plans for things like losing weight, working out, changing careers, or maybe even finding love, only to fall short of the goals, and ultimately wind up feeling down or dissatisfied with yourself.
The fact is that when we reach the goals that we set, we feel like we are more in charge of our life, feel more empowered
The Invisible Harm of Childhood Emotional Neglect
For many people, childhood was a happy time, filled with curiosity, fun, and adventure; a time of safety and security, a time of knowing that the adults in their life would take care of their needs.
For others, though, childhood didn’t feel secure and safe; they didn’t receive the warmth and caring they needed from the adults who raised them. Instead, emotional neglect was the norm, and something that stained their early years, with lasting effects into adulthood.
Childhood Emotional Neglect (CEN) occurs when parents are unable to
Helping Your Child Handle Anxiety and Stress
Some consider childhood to be the most exciting and wonderful time in life, carefree and full of learning and exploration. Yet, even when a child is growing up in a stable, loving family, the child can still feel fear and anxiety.
Think back to when you were a child. There was so much that was new, and everything ‘new’ meant something not to be so sure about. You likely felt a bit anxious on your first day of school, or the first time that you met someone. Children often feel anxious when
Is It Shyness or Social Anxiety Disorder?
It might surprise you to know that 15 million Americans have Social Anxiety Disorder (SAD), according to the Anxiety and Depression Association of America. That’s over 6% of the U.S. population!
Sometimes Social Anxiety Disorder is called social phobia, which means an intense fear of being in social situations. A person with social anxiety thinks that they might do or say something embarrassing, or that they will be humiliated, when they are in front of other people.